Cool Season Grass, or Warm – What’s the difference?

Get your Stripe on with a Cool Season Grass

Do you want a warm or a cool season grass? Here in Oklahoma we have the opportunity to choose between both. The reason both grasses work well here is because we live in what is called a transitional zone. So which grass is right for you and your yard? Read below and contact Kyle to begin your yard renovation today!

Cool Season Grass:

  • Fescues – (Medium-Dark Green, Broad Blades)
    • Tall Fescue – common turf fescue, dense, clumping, good in heavier soils, limited self repair
    • Chewings Fescue – Can be mown down to 1.5″, often used to over seed perennial rye, prefers sandier soil, grows best where summers are cool
    • Creeping Fescue – very fine blade, deep green, spreads subsurface via rhizome, shade tolerant/loving, week blade (won’t stand well on its own), drought tolerant
    • Hard Fescue – Requires little mowing, Best mowed at 4-6″, blue-green, shade tolerant, best in northern or high altitude areas
  • Bluegrass – (Dark Green, Sun loving cool season grass, pointed tips, Transition zone to cooler zones)
  • Rye
    • Annual – Typically used to over seed warm season grasses (for late fall/winter color), requires planting every year, will die off when warm season grass is ready to green up
    • Perennial – Thin shiny green leaves, spreads underground by rhizome
  • Bentgrass – (Finely textured, good cool season grass for high traffic, susceptible to insects and disease, grows rapidly in wet conditions, tolerates very low mowing, will choke out other grasses, can be very dense and hard to mow when long)
Cool Season Grass
Shade Tolerant

Warm Season Grass:

  • Bermudagrass (Can be planted by seed, plug, or sod, can be mowed below 1 inch-2.5 inches)
    • Common (Medium-Dark Green, spreads above and below ground (rhizomes & stolons), dense growth, fast to establish, persistent and invasive toward many varieties of cool season grass.
    • Improved (darker green, rooted deeper, slightly denser than common bermuda grass)
  • Zoysia (planted by plug, sprig, or sod, heat tolerant, slow growth, drought tolerant, prefers full sun, expensive, develops excessive thatch (caused by infrequent mowing and mowing too high), short green season, beautiful lime-medium green color, susceptible to insect damage)

Warm Season Grass

Grassphlemy (Grass Blasphemy)

Still can’t decide on a warm or cool season grass? Perhaps you have allergies, or don’t want me to mow, trim, or edge your yard… You could commit Grassphlemy and go with *COUGH COUGH* artificial turf… Tired of taking care of your grass? Do yourself a favor and call Rejuvenate Lawn Care before putting the plastic down!

Cool Season Grass or Warm, Not Artificial!
Turf Playing Field

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